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AWS Compute Services

  • AWS Elastic Computing Cloud
  • It is virtual server.
  • OS selection from AMI (Amazon Machine Image).
  • Elasticity - we can scale the no of instance as per our need.
  • Types of EC2 instances
    • General Purpose
    • Compute optimized - High performing web server, video encoding
    • Memory Optimized - High performance databases and Dist. Memory Cache
    • Storage Optimized - Data warehousing, data processing apps
    • Accelarated computing - ML, 3D visualizations
  • Unmanaged service

  • AWS Serverless computing

  • AWS Lambda

    • Fully managed compute service
    • Runs stateless code
    • Runs you code on schedule or in response to event such as HTTP request or response
  • Other use cases are also served through varies serverless compute services in AWS.

  • AWS Elastic Container Service

  • Provides contianer orchestration on EC2

Storage Service

  • Amazon S3
  • Object storage
  • Objects are stored in the buckets
  • Immediately accesible
  • Static web hosting also can be done
  • Can store an unlimited number of objects in a bucket
  • Amazon S3 Glacier
  • Archive Storage
  • Long term storage
  • Cheaper than S3
  • Cold data is stored here
  • Low cost storage
  • Data retrievel frequency is low
  • Amazon EFS
  • Network storage for EC2 storage
  • Amazon Storage Gateway
  • Cloud storage
  • Amazon EBS
  • Network attached volumes that provides block-level storage for Amazon EC2 instances.
  • Persistent block storage
  • Different drive types
  • Encryption available
  • Snapshot functionality


  • SQL
  • Transactional databases
    • Amazon RDS
    • Supports
      • Amazon Aurora - MYSQL and PostGresSQL compatible relational built for cloud, it is serverless as well as an option
      • MS SQL Server
      • Maria DB
      • ORACLE
      • PostgreSQL
      • MySQL Data Analytics or Relationships
    • Amazon Redshift
  • NoSQL
  • Transaction Databases
    • Amazon DynamoDB
    • Fast and flexible
  • Data Analytics or Relationships (Graph)
    • Amzon Neptune
  • In memory
    • Amazon ElastiCache or Redis


  • AWS Virtual Private Cloud
  • Private network for our workload
  • Can divide VPC into subnets
  • It is a regionally scoped service, where as subnets is AZ zone scoped. Cannot have a single VPC expanding our multiple regions.
  • VPC can be connected together.
  • Network Security Groups is used to allow traffic to/from at network interface level.
  • Network Access Control Lists - Allow/deny traffic in and out of subnets.
  • Layers of Network Security - VPC - Internet Gateway - Route Tables - Network Access Control Lists - Subnet - You Own Firewall Software - EC2 instance.

  • AWS Elastic Load Balancer

  • Application load balancer works upon the HTTP and HTTPS protocol and determines which instance would serve the incoming request.

  • Amazon Route 53

  • Route 53 is DNS service and translates domain names into IP Addresses.
  • Can use same domain name thorughout multiple regions
  • Browser -> Route 53 -> VPCs -> EC2 instances


  • Shared responsibility on cloud from customer and AWS.
    • Authentication and Authorization management
    • Users - application or person
    • Groups
    • Roles - policy or permission based roles
  • AWS CloudTrail
  • Track user activity & API usage
  • Stores log in s3

  • AWS Trusted Advisor

  • Provides guidance to help you reduce cost, increase performance, and improve security

Iot & ML

  • AWS greengrass

    • Provides runtime to locally run AWS lambda, messaging
    • Device with IoT Sdk can interact with Greengrass on local network
  • AWS Sagemaker

    • Prepare, Build, Train and Tune, Deploy and Manage the Ml model using this single service
  • AWS Rekognition

    • Object & Scene recognition
    • Facial recognition


  • AWS Blockchain services
  • Fully managed service
  • Lets you create scalable blockchain networks using frameworks OS
    • Hyperledger Fabric
    • Ethereum

Other Services

  • AWS Ground Station
  • Fully managed service
  • Lets you control satelite communication
  • Use cases
  • Weather forecasting & Agriculture
  • Global shipping
  • Earth observation and fire safety
  • Retail forecasting

  • AWS Wavelength

  • Combines high bandwidth and ultra low latency of 5G networks with AWS compute and storage services to enable devs to innovate.
  • AWS compute and storage infrastructue embedded inside CSP mobile network.