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IAC Service

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

  • Managing and provisioning computer data centers/ infra through code.
  • Types

    • Declarative
    • Imperative
  • With ARM templates you can:

    • ARM templates are declarative. (you get exactly what you define)
    • stand up, tear down or share entire architectures in minutes
    • Reduce configuration mistakes
    • Establish an architecture baseline for compliance
    • Modularity Break up your architecture in multiple files and reuse them
    • Extensibility Add PowerShell and Bash scripts to your templates
    • Testing You can use the ARM template tool kit (arm-ttk)
    • Preview Changes Before you create infrastructure via template, see what it will create
    • Built-In Validation Will only deploy your template if it passes
    • Tracked Deployments Keep track of changes to architecture over time
    • Policy as Code Apply Azure policies to ensure you remain compliant
    • Microsoft Blueprints (establishes relationship between resource and the template)
    • Cl/CD integration
    • Exportable Code (exporting the current state of a resource groups and resources)
    • Authoring Tools Visual Studio Code has advanced features for authoring ARM templates

Azure Resource Management

  • ARM templates are declarative in nature. You get exactly what you have defined.
  • ARM JSON templates consists of
    • Schema
      • Describes the proeprties that are available within a template
    • Content Version
      • Version of the template
    • Api Profile
      • Use this property to avoid having to provide the API version
    • Parameters
      • Input parameters such as resource name, location and similar input parameters are generally part of this section.
      • Allows passing of the variables to the ARM templates
      • types of parameters
        • string, securestring, int, bool, object, secureObject and array
    • Functions

      - Built-in functions on datatypes and other object of ARM template and user defined functions.

    • Variables
      • Constants that can be used in the template, these are reusable.
      • Variables can be nested
    • Outputs
      • Output of the functions, useful when nesting another template
    • Resources
      • Resources that are to be deployed or updated
      • General sections of the Resource
        • type
          • Type of the azure resource, could be a VM or database
        • apiVersion
          • version of the REST API to use for the resource
        • name
        • location
        • other properties