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Logging Monitoring Services

Azure Monitor

  • It provides System level monitoring. Application Insights could be used in order to acheive one-to-one monitoring with application.
  • It is an comprehensive solution for collecting, analyzing, and acting on telemetry from your cloud and on-premise environments.
  • Many azure services by default sends telemetry data to Azure Monitor.

  • The Pillars of Observability

    • Screenshot from 2022-10-27 22-35-58
  • Sources of the common monitoring data

    • Application
      • Instrumentation Package to collect application insights
      • Availability test responsiveness of the application from different location on the internet
    • OS, On the guest
      • Diagnostic Extension collects performance counters stores in Metrics
      • Log Analyhtics Agent for comprehensive monitoring
      • Dependency Agent collects discovered data from process running on VM and external process dependencies.
    • Azure Resources
      • Metrics
      • Resource logs
    • Azure Subscription
      • Service Health - provides health of the services in your subscription
      • Active Directory
    • Azure Tenant
      • Active Directory
    • Custom Sources
      • Instrumentation package
      • Applications
  • Two fundamental data stores are

    • logs --> Azure Monitor Logs
      • Log Analytics is a tool used to edit and run log queries with data in Azure Monitor Logs
      • Query Language is Kusto Query Language, it is based on relation database management systems
    • Metrics --> Azure Monitor Metrics
  • Actions on data

    • Insights
      • App, containers, Vms, Monitoring solutions
    • Analyze
      • Metric Analytics, Log Analytics
    • Visualize
      • Dashboard, Views, Power Bi, Workbooks
    • Respond
      • Alerts, AutoScale
    • Integrate
      • Logic Apps, Export APIs

Azure Analytics

  • Similar to Splunk and ELK stack.

Azure Health

  • First line of the defense for identifying the problems with the azure resources.
  • Azure Status - provides information on the global issue, not specific to your account.
  • Azure Service Health - Just like Azure Status but specific to your account.
  • Azure Resource Health - More granular level of the details regarding an Azure Resource.

Azure Advisor

  • Information and suggestion on Security, Availability, Performance and Cost.

Azure Activity Log

  • Records events using event data from Azure Resource Manager.

Azure Network Watcher

  • Monitors what happens between different resources. Analyzing network events.

Azure Security Center

  • Centralized dashboard for the security of the infrastructure.'

Other Services

  • Azure Log Analytics is where all the logs are stored for the analysis
  • Azure Automation is the service which lets you automate few mundane tasks such as the update management, patching of the VMs.

Azure Application Insights

  • It is Application Performance Monitor. It does monitoring and management of performance and availability of the software apps.
  • It is sub service of Azure monitor
  • Examples of APM - Datadog
  • image

  • Open Telemetry

    • It is collection of open-source tools, APIs and SDK to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data.
    • It standardizes the way telemetry data (metrics, logs and traces) are generated and collected.
    • Wire Protocol
      • A wire protocol refers to a way of getting data from point to point. Eg. SOAP, AMQP
    • Azure supports OTEL as an alternative to Azure Analytics SDK for instrumentation
  • Intrumentation

    • You instrument your application by adding Azure Application Insights SDK and implementating traces.
  • Auto-Intrumentation. Instrumentation of the application without changing the code.