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Network Services

Azure Content Delivery Network (CDN)

  • Putting content in the edge servers which could be fetched by user with lesser latency.
  • When requesting to origin server, origin server will forward the request of the user to point of the presence location which are closer to user.

Azure Front Door

  • Traffic Manager
  • Traffice Accelarator
  • Global Load Balancer
  • CDN
  • image

Features - Caching, like CDN - Resiliecny, ditribute traffic between multiple or different azure regionss - Cookie-based session affinity - Health probe, determines the healthiest and closest backend to client request - Web Application Firewall, protecting your backends from malicious attacks and vulnerabilites - URL Redirect - URL Rewrite - image

Tiers - Standard (Delivery Optimized) - Premium (Security Optimized)

Routing - It's the path that a HTTP request takes to reach to the backend - image - Traffic Routing Available - Latency - Requests are sent to lowest latency backends acceptable within a sesitivity range - Priority - Requests are send based on a user-defined number - Weighted - Requests are sent acc to weight coefficient - Session Affinity - Session request from the same end user gets sent to the same backend

Origin - It is the endpoint of the backend

Origin Groups - It is the group of backends - Origin must belong to a origin group - This allows you to apply - Health Probes - health of your origin - Load Balancing Settings - the balancing of your origins

Health Checks - Check for the healthy response from the backend (HTTP Response code - 200 status)

Custom Domain Names - Can associate multiple Custom domain names with an Azure Front Door profile

Endpoint Manager - Provides an overview of the endpoints you've configured for your Azure front door

Routes - A route maps your domains and matching URL path patterns to a specific origin group

Traffic Accelaration - Connecting user to edge location - Takes direct path

Azure VPN

  • VPN is a sec encrypted secure tunnel/channel of the communication between parties.
  • Site to Site - Connects one entire site to another and it is always on.
    • IPSec is a framework to establish secure channel between routers.
  • Remote Access - So this is how we connect to our corporate network because we could be anywhere.