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Core azure services

Azure Compute Services

  • Azure VMs
  • Azure Container Instances
  • Azure App Services
  • Azure Functions

Virtual Machines

  • VMs are IaaS. Just like a physical computer. Better when we need total control over OS and network.

VMs Scale sets

  • Set of identical VMs, helpful when autoscaling is required
  • Can provide highly available environment for an app/service since load can be shared among identical VMs

Container & Kubernetes

  • Lightweight, virtualized application environment
  • Basically can run multiple instances of such on single host machines
  • Single Host - VMs - Single Instance - Container - Multiple instance - Virtualizes the OS instead of Hardware like VMs
  • Container Orchestrator
    • Azure Container Instance - PaaS Directly maintain a container
    • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) - Kubernetes

App Service

  • Basically PaaS
  • PaaS focuses more on the application management, deployment rather than configuration of OS
    • Web app
    • API app
    • WebJob - a script/trigger
    • Mobile apps


  • Basically can help in communication with other Azure services

Azure Batch

  • Large scale parallel and high performance computing
    • Starts a pools of VMs
    • takes a job
    • requeue if any failures
    • scales down once works completes

Azure Functions

  • Serverless Computing

    • Abstraction fo the server, infrastructure and OS
  • Event-driven scale

    • Timer
    • Trigger/API or webhook
  • Micro billing
    • Pay as per the usage

Azure logic apps

  • More intelligent than Azure functions, provides more ways to trigger a particular work based on data comparison helpful in enterprise application

Azure Virtual Desktop

  • Connect ot AVD from any secure internet.
  • Centralised on teh azure side since there is no actual system provided to the user's site

Azure Virtual Networking

Isolation and Segmentation

  • Allows creating multiple isolated virtual networks
  • Can define private Ip address using space by using Public or Private IP Address
  • IP address can be divided into range/subnet
  • Name resolution service is built in Azure and DNS server can be internal or external

Internet communication

  • Incoming connection can be defined by a public IP address or public load balancer

Communication between Azure Resources

  • Virtual connects VMs and as well as other azure resources - App Service, AKS, VM Scale set.
  • We use service endpoints to connect to other resources such as AzureSQL database and Storage accounts

Communication with On-premise resources

  • Point to site VPN
    • point _to_site
  • Site to site
    • Links your VPN gateways to the Azure VPN gateways in a VPN
  • Azure Express Route
    • Provide dedicated connectivity to Azure

Route Network traffic

  • Route Table
  • Border Gateway Protocol
    • Propagates on premise BGP to AZ virtual networks

Filter Network Traffic

  • Network Security Groups -
    • Filtering traffic based on source or destination IP address, port and protocol
  • Network virtual appliances
    • Specialized VM that can be compared to a hardened network appliances
    • Can carry out network function such as running a firewall or performing WAN optimization
  • Peering
    • Enables resources in each VNet to communication with each other
  • UDR
    • User defined routing allow to control the routing table between subnets within VNets and as well VNets

Connect Virtual Network

  • Azure VPN gateway fundamentals

    • Azure VPN gateway instances are deployed in Azure VNet
    • Connect on-premise datacenter to VNet through site-to-site connection
      • [data center] ------ [virtual network]
    • Connect Individual devices to VNet through a point-to-site connection
      • [device] ------ [virtual network]
    • Network to network

      • [VNet] ------ [VNet]
    • Can have only one gateway in each virtual network, however it can connect multiple VNets

    • Policy based VPN Gateway
      • IKE (Internet Key Exchange) is used set security association (an agreement of encryption) between encryption
        • Static routing, source and destination address control how traffic is encrypted, and they are not included in the routing table
      • IPSec uses this association and encrypts and decrypts the data packets in tunnel (VPN Tunnel)
      • IP address is defined statically of packets that should be encrypted through each tunnel
    • Route Based

      • IP routing decides which tunnel to use (Static or dynamic routing protocol)
      • Source and destination is not mentioned in every tunnel's end.
      • Supports IKEv2
      • Using any-to-any traffic selection
      • In case of this, source and destination are not statically defined and different routing protocols BGP can create dynamic routing tables and hence data packets are encrypted based on this
    • Deploy VPN gateways

      • Prerequisites before deploying VPN gateways
        • Virtual Network
          • Basically Virtual Network should have enough address to accommodate on-premise network
        • Gateway subnet
          • This is a subnet specifically for VPN gateway
        • Public IP address
          • Acts as address. Public routable IP address as the target for on premise VPN device gateway
        • Local Network Gateway
          • Create a local network gateway for defining on-premise network config, its public IPv4 and routing table for the VPN gateway to send data packets
        • Virtual Network Gateway
          • Routes traffic between VNet and on-premise datacenter
          • Virtual Network Gateway can be a VPn or ExpressRoute Gateway
        • Connection
          • Connection made between VPN gateway and local network gateway
          • Connection made to VPN devices IPv4 address on the premise from one or more associated IPs of VPN or Virtual Network Gateway
          • VPn
      • Required on on-premise
        • VPN device
        • IPv4 public
    • High Availability Scenarios

      • VPN gateways are deployed as two instances active/standby
      • If active goes for a toss then Standby assumes the responsibility and takes over
    • ExpressRoute Fundamentals

      • Lets you establish connection to microsoft 365, cloud services
      • Can be used any-to-any/ point-to-point Ethernet
      • ExpressRoute connection don't go over public internet
      • L2 - Data link layer (Node to Node communication)
      • L3 - Network Layer (Addressing and routing between nodes)
    • Features & Benefits of ExpressRoute

      • L3 connection between on-premise and Microsoft Services through a connectivity provides as mentioned previously
      • Microsoft services across all the regions
      • Dynamic routing using BGP
      • Build In redundancy
      • All geopolitical regions are available
        • Can access
          • Dynamic 365
          • MS Office 365
          • Azure Compute Services
          • Azure Cloud Services
    • Connectivity model

      • Cloud Exchange Collocation

        • L2 and L3 offered
        • Can request virtual cross-connection to the microsoft cloud
      • Point to point ethernet

        • [on-premise] ---- [Azure]
      • Any-to-any

        • Azure integrates your WAN to provide a connection between datacenter and branch offices. l3 connectivity and Azure can be ju8st another office for your organization
        • DNS queries, certificate revocations checking and Azure CDN are still send over public internet

Azure Storage Services

Azure Storage Account fundamentals

  • Blob
  • File Storage
  • Disk Storage
  • Table

  • Disk storage fundamentals

    • Allows data to be persistently stored and accessed from attached virtual hard disk
  • Blob storage

    • Object Storage solution for cloud
    • Stores text and binary
    • unstructured data
    • Access tier
      • Hot access tier
        • optimized for storing data that is accessed frequently
      • Cool
        • infrequent access and stored for 30 days
      • Archive
        • Backups, rarely access and stored for 180 days
      • Only hot and cool at the account level
  • Azure File Fundamentals

    • Fully managed file share in the cloud and accessible via the industry standard server message block and network file system

Azure database and analytics services

  • Cosmos DB
  • Support schema less data
  • Support constantly changing data
  • Stores data in atom-record-sequence(ARS) format
  • Then data is abstracted and projected as API
  • Azure SQL db
    • PaaS
    • MS handles everything
    • You can get control over db administration and optimization activities
    • Can use Azure data migration
  • Postgres SQL

    • Offered in 2 manner
    • Single Server
      • Vertical scaling based model
    • Hyperscale
      • This model option horizontally scales queries across multiple machine by using sharding
  • Azure SQL Managed Instance

    • PaaS
    • Automated provisioning
    • A configurable backup retention period
    • Server collation is possible
  • Migration

    • Azure database migration service
    • Big data is continuously increasing data which will not make sense if looked directly since it is huge, will require gathering insights from the same
  • Azure Synapse Analytics

    • Data warehousing + big data analytics
  • Azure HDInsights

    • Analytics service
    • Supports ETL
    • Data Warehousing
    • ML&IOT
  • Azure Content Delivery Network

    • Can provide with content to users with low latency
  • Azure databricks

    • Unlocks insights from all your data