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  • Collection (It is the interace which consists of most of the collection)

    • List
      • ArrayList
      • LinkedList
    • Set
      • Set
        • HashSet
      • SortedSet
        • TreeSet
    • Queue
      • Queue
        • PriorityQueue
      • Deque
        • LinkedList
        • ArrayDeque
  • Map

    • Map
      • HashMap
    • Sorted Map
      • TreeMap
  • Above listed data structures are the interfaces, which can be implemented by the classes to give them definitions . Map does not extend the Collection interface.

  • Collection interface itself extends the Iterable interface. This interface allows to create object Iterator which lets us loop over the elements within a Java Collection


  • ArrayList

    • Read operation are good since arraylist indexed.
    • It is not quite performant when it comes to addition of the element it. if it runs out of the initial capacity then it starts doubling in size and then you have to copy the old elements to the new and allocate the new ones as well
    • Since this is linearly allocated in the memory, it becomes easier for CPU cache to fetch the memory address easily since it prefetches linearly array location. This makes Arraylist CPU sympathetic. LinkedList is based on the pointer, it becomes very hard for the CPU to predict next memory location, this results in performance drop.
  • LinkedList

    • LinkedList in java are actually Doubly Linked List
    • Less CPU cache friendly



  • Map does not implement the Collection Interface

  • get() and containsKey() methods on a map uses map implementation to lookup into the map, whereas containsValue() has different implementation, it might have to go through all the values

  • Views

    • keySet()
    • values()
    • entrySet()
  • General Purpose Implementations

    • HashMap

      • General Purpose implementation of the Map Screenshot_2021-05-12_00-58-26
    • TreeMap

      • Has defined sort order and adds functionality treemap
    • Performance Comparison Performance_comparson_maps

    • Hashmap may have to re expand the backing array and relocate all the N items to new array, it can take O(N) for the worst case otherwise it is amortized O(1)

    • In the case pf TreeMap, worst case scenario seems to O(log(N)) since Log(N) is the height of the Red / Black tree (Self balancing tree, sorted in such a way that values lesser than node goes to left and others goes to right)

Java Streams

  • High level construct, it provides lesser control over and freedom to control it but in the case of Loops, it is low level construct and can have more arbitrary activity.
  • Streams are alternative option to the loops
  • Lesser boilterplate code
  • Better readability but it subjective, seems more close to the business object
  • Only available in the Java 8 or later streams_loops png

Factory of()

  • We can create immutable collections using .of()


  • Collection with uniqueness

Hashcode & Equals

  • If two objects are equal then their hashcode will be equal as well
  • And there are two types of equality -

    • Reference based
      • if two objects are equal. Equal method is inherited from the object
    • Value based
      • If the values inside objects are equal. Requires custom implementation.
  • HashSet

  • TreeSet
    • Based on the Red/black binary tree with defined sort order