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Java - Runtime Environment & Language

  • Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) is built on top of JRE (Java Runtime Environment) / Java SE (Java Standard Edition)

  • Then there is Java Micro Edition (Java ME), it is subset of JRE intended for embedded system. Example - used of IOT

  • All this above things are owned by Oracle ( Sun was the owner but Oracle bought them)

  • There is outlier Android, which based on the java environment but owned by Google

    • From the programming language perspective Android uses Java but from Runtime perspective it used different things since it uses classes from JRE but all of it. Threading in the Android has different behaviour then in the JRE

1. Input and Output with Streams and Files

1.1 Streams

  • Stream is ordered sequence of data
  • This provide a layer of abstraction over the underlying data as in whether it is network, media or file.
  • Stream are unidirectional - Read from , Write to

  • types of streams

    • Byte stream
      • interacts as binary data
    • Text stream
      • interacts as Unicode data
  • Read from/ Write to

    streams - Byte stream - Base class - InputStream, OutputStream - Text stream - Base class - Reader, Writer

    • Read() methods for the both the streams retuen the number of bytes/char read from.

    • OutputStream.Write(int inp) methods accept, we provide int and that gets connverted to byte. Widening conversion ex. Int -> Byte (8 bit - 32 bit) are done automatically by the compiler.

  • Derived classes over streams



    • These InputStreamReader and OutputStreamWriter provides layered binary and text streams. Basically allows us to Implement a reader stream over the InputStream. Reading as text stream over a binary stream.

    • Cleanup the streams with the resources is a tricky task, since closeable interface implemented by the streams may not be optimum, so it implements AutoCloseable interface which provides Automatic Cleanup

    Streams <--- (implements) Closeable Interface <--- AutoCloseable

    • Try-with-resources
      • Automates the cleanup of 1 or more resources
        • A "resource" is any type that implements AutoCloseable interface
      • Example
        • try (Reader reader = Helper.openReader("file.txt"))
  • Chaining Streams chainingStreams

  • File and Buffered Streams

    • Buffered Streams

      • Buffereed readers are used for File Read and write opertion.
      • Since they provide large chunk of data to read or write to file Buffered_Streams

      • Buffered Writer

        • Linux has \n for the newline
        • Windows uses \r\n (carriage return and new line)
        • Buffered writer generates new line for the current platform using the newLine() methods
  • java.nio

    • FileXXXX (FileReade and FileWriter), this methods are deprecated in the new library and is replaced with java.nio.
    • InputStream and OutputStream are still in place java nio

    • Path path_java_nio

    • File types

      • Once we have the Path then we can use File to interact with it Files

      • Example try(BufferedReader br = new Files.newBufferedReader(Paths.get("data.txt")))

      • We can use BufferedWriter to write into a file or we can make use of Files.write() which takes care of opening, writing and closing the file
    • File System

      • Represents a File System
      • Can have specilized file systems such as zip
    • URI - Universal Resource Identifier

      • URI for zip file => "jar:file"
      • File systems are identified by URI

1.2 String Formatting and Regular Expressions

- String Joiner 
    - Lets you join the sequence of the strings based on separator, starting and ending value.

- Strings with Format
    - Format specifier  
        - % [argument index] [flag] [width] [precision] conversion
        - width - minimum characters to display
        - precision - Decimal places to display

        - Format Flags

1.3 Working with Collections

  • Lambda

    • Simplify passing code as argument ``` ArrayList as = new ArrayList(); as.forEach(m -> m.getValue().equals("something"));


  • Comparable interface implementation provides

    • compareTo method to be implemented by the implementing class, this method is sort()
  • Comparator interface has compare(class o, class b) to be implemented where it takes two input

1.4 Controlling App Execution and Environment

  • Properties

    • can be used to persist data in key-value format

    • Storing in the properties file properties

    • We can load key-value pairs from the properties file with the help of input stream

    • Properties file can be in format of simple text file or xml

    • We can use class information to access the stream that provides default property implementation

  • Class loading

    • default class loading done from the current directory and it must be in .class, not in the JAR file.
    • CLASSPATH (default path is current directory)
    • Specifying CLASSPATH as an environment variable set CLASSPATH=\somedirectory

    • Paths provided as delimited list

      • Windows: separate with ;
      • Unix platforms: separate with :
      • Searched in the order they appear

      • To reference classes in .class fiels

        • Path to folder containing the package root
      • To reference classes in the jar files
        • Path to the jar file
          • including the jar file name
  • We can make use of CLASSPATH in order to use classes that are in .class or are in actual JAR file

  • Class loading with the JARs

    • Manifest file tells where to start from class_loading_with_JAR
  • We can use System.getenv() to get environment variables on a system

1.5 Capturing Application Activity using the Java Log System

  • Log system is centrally managed logger logging_components

  • Logging consists of mainly three parts

    • Logger
      • Which accepts app calls
    • Handler

      • Publishes Logging information
      • A logger can have multiple handlers
      • Types of Built-in Handler
        • ConsoleHandler
          • writes to System.err
        • StreamHandler
          • writes to OutputStream
        • SocketHandler
          • writes to a network socket
        • FileHandler
          • writes to 1 or more file
    • Formattter

      • Formats log info for publication
      • Each Handler has 1 Formatter
  • Adding a logger adding_a_logger

  • We can use properties file as a configuration for the loggin, that can be loaded while calling the program.

  • Logger hierarchy is set by using fully qualified names, that shows parent/child relation where child inherits log levels from the parent

1.6 Multithreading and Concurrency

  • Concurreny can be defined as a process can have multiple threads that can execute at the same time and may use the resource acquired by the process.
  • With the help of Multithreading, we take full advantages of the CPU resources

  • Threading Foundation Types

    • Runnable Interface

      • Represents a task to be on a thread
      • Has only one member - run
      • Implementation of this Interface allows classes to know how to run programmed instruction on the alternate thread.
    • Thread Class

      • Represents a thread of execution
      • We can make use of this class. This expects implementation of the Runnable interface.

      ``` public class A() implements runnable {

          public void run() {
              try {
                  //does something threadfull
              } catch(Expection e) {
      public static voiud main(args[]) {
          A a = new A();
          Thread t = new Thread(A) // A implements Runnable Interface
          t.start() // Runs the code on the alternate thread

      ``` - thread.join() //Blocks waiting for the thread completion

    • Thread Pool

      • Allows to use the thread as pool where we can submit our task and expect it to run once thread a available and closing and shutdown of the thread will be taken care by the pool itself

      • Idea to use Thread Pool instead of the direct thread is that it is automatically managed and not very likely bring down the whole system

      • There are 2 types of the pool

        • ExecutorService interface
          • Models thread pool behaviour
          • Can submit tasks to the queue that can be taken up depending upon the number of thread allowed to run at once
          • Request and wait for pool shutdown
        • Executor Class
          • Methods for creating thread pools
            • Dynamically sized pools
            • Size limited pools
            • Pools that schedule tasks for later